Sunday, 30 March 2014

Captain America, The Winter Solider

Year: 2014
Genre: Action / Adventure / Comicbook

Marvel films seem to be ten a penny these days. A year doesn't go past where one of the big Summer blockbusters is either a Spiderman sequel, Wolverine related, or something to do with Tony Stark. One thing you can guarantee though, is that the producers are passionate about the source material, and the quality of these films is always up there with the best of them. The Winter Soldier is no exception. 

Where as the first films showed us how Steve Rogers came to be Captain America, and was set around the time of WW2, Winter Soldier is set firmly in the present. If like me, you felt that Avengers Assemble was a little too 'Michael Bay' ish for it's own good, Winter Soldier also has it's feet firmly on the floor when it comes to the action sequences and set pieces (albeit the last twenty minutes or so). As Captain America has no real super powers as such, there's plenty of old school style fist fights and car chases, which are very well choreographed and give the film significantly more realism than say the Avengers or the countless recent Spider Man sequels. 

Chris Evans does very well in the lead role, and is supported by Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow in yes, 'that' black catsuit which any red blooded male will find reason enough to watch the film purely based on how tight it is. The chemistry between them works, and when Falcon joins the action, I found Winter Soldier a lot more enjoyable than any of the Iron Man films, or Avengers Assemble for that matter. 

Overall, an excellent addition to the Marvel franchise, that has eye candy throughout for both the ladies and the lads who go and see it (can I mention that catsuit once again please???? )

An easy five stars. Highly recommended. 

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