Monday, 30 December 2019

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (in 4DX) CONTAINS SPOILERS

Year: 2019
Genre: Sci Fi

We have to get one thing straight before we say anything else. The weight that this film carried on its shoulders is nothing short of staggering. It is intended to be the culmination of something that started way back in the 70's, has gathered a global fan base of one in three people who use the internet, and is quite probably the most popular science fiction franchise in the world. 

No pressure there then...

I'd went into this after watching several lukewarm spoiler free reviews on YouTube expecting the worse, but secretly hoping for the best. I walked out of it pleasantly surprised. It's nowhere near as bad as the fanboys will have you believe. It does however, suffer from some huge continuity problems that I will elaborate on in this review. 

The core problem with the sequel trilogy is consistency of character arc. 'The Force Awakens' was Disney's Christmas present to the fans after buying the rights from George Lucas, and they played it completely safe with a film that was almost a carbon copy of  'A New Hope' in terms its themes. JJ Abrams walks away with a big pay cheque, the film makes billions, and the fans get something close to chasing that first ever Star Wars high. 

Along comes Rian Johnson, who disagrees with every decision Abrams made in 'The Force Awakens', and makes a film that divides fans the world over. I for one didn't think 'The Last Jedi' was a bad film, I just really didn't agree with what Johnson did with the character of  Luke Skywalker. As this was a core theme of the film, I can see why someone passionate about Star Wars on a level much higher than me didn't like it either. 

So what happens now? Top Disney brass see how much hate their second film gets, and decide that they need to pay JJ Abrams even more money to direct the final film of their trilogy. What you're left with, is a film that contains even more fan service than 'The Force Awakens', but simply cannot undo the continuity problems caused by Rian Johnson's decisions in 'The Last Jedi'.

The most obviously staggering problem is Emperor Palpatine. Put quite honestly, I felt like he was shoehorned into the film because Johnson killed off Snook. We all know he was killed off in 'Return of the Jedi', but his return is never explained to the audience, and we are just led to believe he has been somehow resurrected by means unknown. I really didn't like what they did with his character. I know he has huge dramatic effect in the saga, but he was killed off nearly 40 years ago.

If they'd done something different with Luke in 'Last Jedi', and perhaps built up Snook a bit more not killing him off, this would have been a completely different review.

Contrastingly, the character of Kylo Ren has an excellent character arc, and I really liked what they did with him bar the kiss right at the end of the film. I can't quite put into words why, but that just seemed so out of place and unexpected, that I felt it was also shoehorned in for dramatic effect.

As you would expect, as far as cinematic spectacle goes this is probably the best thing you will see this year. I couldn't fault the CGI, and I honestly felt that this was John Williams best ever work in terms of scoring a film. It was like listening to his greatest hits. Trust me, you simply won't get the same feeling being a cheapskate watching a CAM copy of this at home on a tiny screen, and I'm really glad I didn't.

So what is 4DX, and would I recommend it ?

It was my first ever experience of it, and I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest. Trying to focus on 3D is difficult at the best of times, and it's made even more difficult feeling like someone is stood behind you rattling your chair. Early on, I honestly felt physically motion sick trying to concentrate, but got used to it after half an hour or so. Jets of air blow on the back of your head, but it just feels like someone is stood behind you at McDonalds blowing through a straw. At times, you'll feel a kick in your chair, but this just feels like the person behind you is giving you the boot. I'd like to experience a horror in 2D 4DX, but I won't be rushing back anytime soon.

In short 'The Rise of Skywalker' is a valiant attempt where everyone involved did a stellar job, but just couldn't undo the continuity problems Rian Johnson caused in his fan hated sequel. Disney should have had a plan before they set out. I recommend you go and see it. You'll enjoy it, but if you're my age you'll wonder where the Emperor suddenly appeared from too.

3.5 stars.

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